Book or Quote a TTM Job with company logo Tutorial Powered by Road Direct

It is important to give us information about your job as soon as possible so we can start the development of traffic management plans to keep everyone safe. Even if you do not have dates, we can kick start the process.
We need time to work together and make sure everything is done right prior to the planning team coming up with TTM designs and controls (risk assessment is also a large part of that), as well get any peer review and or RCA approvals.
The better the information supplied helps speed that process up.
Booking Type
Is this for a Quote or Booking? *
Contact Details

Company Name

This is the Company/Organisation name making the booking, also known as the person who be billed (paying) for the job.
Name *

Primary Contact

Person in charge that is booking this job.
Name *
Contact phone number *
Email *

Onsite Contact

Person in charge of the job so we can make direct contact on the day of the job.
Contact phone number


Who you are undertaking the job for (we need this for the TMP/Council).
Contact phone number
Please note this Location refers to your physical worksite. It is important to show the area you will be working within. If the property has multiple addresses, make notes below but clearly show your worksite. Any additional information, e.g. Google Street View screenshots or site pictures showing the work area including the space you need for plant/equipment helps our team make accurate plans and obtain approvals faster. If you have more than one site location you can add additional worksites by clicking "Add new location" For generic 12 month TMP requests we require road lists or names of councils/regions and state highways that you will be working on.
Primary Location ()
1. Start typing the address and select it from the dropdown
2. Add markers and shapes to the map using the toolbar in the centre
Zoom in as far as you can to show exactly where the work will take place. Use the shape tool to draw the boundaries of your work-site.



Work areas

Job Information

Work Activity

Tell us about what you are doing in detail. Focus on specific details of the work you are undertaking (what you are doing, building, fixing, or making, etc.).

Plant and Equipment

Focus on how you will complete the job. Now that we know what you are doing, please tell us how you will do it. For example, what plant, machines, or vehicles will be used onsite (i.e., how you are undertaking the job). Also, note any drop zones if required. These details are necessary so we can allocate enough room for you, as well as for traffic and pedestrians.

Significant Stages

Please explain any staging/phasing if applicable. For example, any significant stages in the job, where X, Y, and Z are done at different times or different aspects of the job are completed using different methods.

Work Activity Risks

Please inform us (provide commentary) of any risks or hazards our planners need take into consideration relating to the physical work activity you are undertaking or the plant used.

Environment Risks

Please inform us (provide commentary) of any risks or hazards you know are present in the environment (at the location/work site you plan to work in). This could be intel or knowledge you know locally or observed during your site visit when scoping the job. Please also suggest any controls you think would help aid our Planners manage those risks. Common Examples: Local businesses/residents, visibility constraints, traffic behaviour, road layout, widths, historic issues in area or anything else.

TTM Risks

Typically, our Planning team will address these, however, if you have something of value please inform us if you envision or recognise there could be some risks from the proposed TTM closures that could affect your work, environment and/or motorists or pedestrians (public). This could also be related to the installation of the TTM.

Drop Zones for the Work

Do you require Drop Zones/Other safety zones on the footpath or road separate to your physical working area?
Other/Tell us more if relevant

Work Area

Please give us more information to help prepare the TMP and/or quote. This is not necessarily final information - we will contact you for more details if needed.
What parts of the roading network will your work activity impact? This is the space you need to undertake the works, including any plant, workers, and safety zones.
Other/Tell us more if relevant

Transport Aspects Affected

If you think/or know that your work may impact these parts of the roading network, please indicate (if unsure, our team will also check with you).

Inactive/Unattended Periods

What periods of the planned work will the site be unattended (your workers will not be onsite)?
Please describe any plant, equipment or TTM closures which will be left unattended on worksite and/or other if relevant
Dates and Times

Intended/Actual Work Dates

These are the dates you want the job booked for (the actual dates you want to undertake the work). Please note if your intended dates are too soon or do not allow for our formal notice periods with road controlling authorities, or adequate time for planning and designs, we will let you know if they need to be changed.
Start date
End date
Other/Tell us more if relevant

Intended Times

Start & End times that you will arrive onsite and leave site each day. Please tell us the time you first arrive onsite, we will gauge and be setup by this time. This is important so we can sign in your staff. On State Highways and main arterial roads restrictions may apply for lane closures and speed restrictions, typically this is 9am-3pm (we will inform you if your times clash when we consult with council/NZTA).
Start time
End time
Other/Tell us more if relevant

Alternative Dates

Please tell us your preferred backup dates if the job is postponed.

Window/Contingency Dates (TMP Approval Dates)

These dates will be applied to the TMP application (approval and validity period) that the plan is active for, i.e., the approval period to use the TMP for your job. Slightly larger window dates allow extra time in case the job runs over or if delayed due to weather.
Start date
End date
Please explain the reason for these extra days/what you would like to use the days for

Work Duration

How long will the job take to complete? Please select one of the options below to indicate the total collective time needed to complete the job.
Other/Tell us more if relevant

Hours Per Day

Please specify how many hours per day the job will be
Other/Tell us more if relevant
Further information

Excavation Permit Required?

An excavation permit is required for any excavation on public road reserve. This may also be called an excavation Corridor Access Request, or a Works Access Permit. This excavation permit is in addition to an approved TMP. Application methods vary depending on council/authority. If you would like us to submit on your behalf, please supply the below information. If you are submitting your own request, please provide us with the application number (usually the CAR number). Required information includes:
  • Specific location of excavations/trenches
  • Design plans
  • Any authorisation letters e.g. letter of approval for new vehicle crossing
  • Ensure you are a council approved contractor
For excavation works on State Highways, a License to Occupy and/or Agreement as to Work on State Highways (AtWoSH) are usually required before an excavation permit can be issued.
My job involves excavating
Other/Tell us more if relevant

No Parking Installation

Communicate with us if it is important to ensure that no vehicles are parked on the section of the road where you are working, to what extent, and on which side of the road. If there are fees or other formalities required from councils associated with this, we will inform you.
Other/Tell us more if relevant

Traffic TTM Closure

Provide us, if you know, with your preferred traffic management closure method (TTM closure). Please note that we will work this out for you and detail it in the TMP (Traffic Management Plan). We will inform you once you have submitted this request of the final closure after taking into consideration all risks and controls. However, if you have an idea, you can suggest it, and we can make corrections if it is not adequate.
Optional, leave if unsure. If known please indicate.
Other/Tell us more if relevant

Footpath/Pedestrian Management

Please share your preferred footpath/pedestrian management closure. We will incorporate it into the TMP and inform you of the final closure, considering all risks and controls. Feel free to suggest any ideas for correction if needed.
Optional, leave if unsure. If known please indicate.
Will cyclists be affected?
Other/Tell us more if relevant

General Notes

Other things we need to be aware of that are not detailed above.


Please attach any other documentation that is applicable to the job and that you think would be useful, such as risk assessments (JSA), pictures of the site, or any documents related to risks that have already been prepared. The more information we have, the smoother and more accurate the process will flow for our planners to understand your work and its location. File size is limited to 40MB.
Upload your site photos, completed customer account forms or any other documentation you wish to provide
Maximum total size for all attachments is 40MB.

Purchase Order Number

Please enter your purchase order number. If not specified, we will use the location and date on the invoice
Services Required

TMP Method

Other/Tell us more if relevant

Equipment Hire Method

Other/Tell us more if relevant

Site Setup Method

Other/Tell us more if relevant

Onsite Labour Method

If you intend to supply qualified on-site staff (STMS, TC, TMO, etc.), please ensure that you provide their qualification details (proof of their qualifications) and remind them that they need to be on-site at all times while the work is active. This requirement does not apply if you choose for us to supply the staff. Please note that we will also consider and inform you if their competencies/qualifications are appropriate based on the road environment.
Other/Tell us more if relevant

Unattended/After Hours Requirements

Other/Tell us more if relevant